Npm serverless tutorial
Npm serverless tutorial

  1. Npm serverless tutorial for free#
  2. Npm serverless tutorial how to#
  3. Npm serverless tutorial code#

The role should be created and available in the list of roles available in IAM. For our example here, we will use the already available AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess policy.Ĭlick Next and again Next and you should view the Review part.įill the desired role name, something like ‘employee-lambda-role’ and click Create Role The policies are basically rules in JSON format that tells the role what permissions should be given to the service attached to it. Here, we can create our own custom policy or use the already available ones. We will need it, as I already mentioned, to grant access to DynamoDB – the database we will use.Ĭhoose the service that will use this role – in our case Lambda and click Next: Permissions Now, when our function is created, let’s switch for a moment to IAM(Identity and Access Management) and create a role for it. We will also be redirected to the newly created lambda. Choose Test to input a test event when you want to test your function.” appear.

Npm serverless tutorial code#

You can now change its code and configuration. It will take a few seconds before a success message “ Congratulations! Your Lambda function “employees” has been successfully created. Until then, our function will use the basic role which has really limited access and will be able to only upload logs to CloudWatch.Ĭlick Create Function. Leave the Permissions field as it is, we will get back later to it to add permission our Lambda to access DynamoDB.

Npm serverless tutorial for free#

Don’t worry, there is plenty of it for free 🙂Ĭhoose the region from the top right and click Create a functionįill the function name, I will use ‘employee’ for this example, Runtime – Node.js 10.x. and one more thing – you are paying only for the compute time you consume. Just “deploy” your code and you are ready to go.

npm serverless tutorial

The cool thing about it is that we don’t have to care about scaling and other server administration/management things. We will use the popular Lambda service as a back-end.

npm serverless tutorial

Implement local development capabilities using Docker Compose (for easier development and testing)Ĭonfigure AWS – Create Lambda function with API Gateway and DynamoDB database table creationīefore continue, you will have to register to AWS(if you haven’t already) –.Automate the deploy process using AWS CLI.Setup new Node.JS project using Serverless Express and implement basic routes.Configure AWS – Create Lambda function with API Gateway and DynamoDB database table creation.In order to understand the code, we will explore it file by file, step by step. You can see the complete code in First Class JS – GitHub(link). My main goal is to introduce you to the basics of using AWS, not the best practices to write Node.JS code.

Npm serverless tutorial how to#

Run the following command to install it globally.The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to create your first serverless API using Amazon Web Services(AWS) Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway for API exposure and of course Node.JS. You can install Serverless easily with npm. Remember to save the access key Id and secret access key before going to the next step. Create an IAM user in your AWS console.If you are only experimenting with AWS, you can join a free tier without having to pay a dime. To continue with this tutorial, you need to have the following things set up.

npm serverless tutorial

In fact, with Serverless, you can deploy your Node application in just a few steps. Given the complex nature of AWS Lambda, we use the Serverless framework to simplify the deployment process.

npm serverless tutorial

Lambda functions are stateless functions that are triggered by events and expired at the end of their execution. A bit about these technologiesĪWS Lambda is a cloud-based serverless service. In this tutorial, we are looking at deploying a simple serverless API with Node.js, AWS Lambda, and the Serverless framework. With the help of AWS Lambda and Serverless framework, you can quickly deploy applications that scale. So, it’s no surprise that developers today flock to go serverless with their applications. And it frees you from having to handle multiple server setups and their configurations. With serverless deployments, you only have to pay for precisely what you use. Serverless architecture is an alternative to high-maintenance, resource-wasting servers. Go Serverless with NodeJS and AWS Lambda Updated on Nov 17, 2020

Npm serverless tutorial